Chris Donkin

Chris Donkin

Property Manager 0 properties
Phone: 027 4148347

Office Number: 07 3155031

AREINZ, Cert. Residential Property Management, Level 4, Diplomas: Horticulture, Social Work & Iwi Maori Social Services, Cert. Youth Work.

Born and bred in Opotiki, my local knowledge is unsurpassed. I have spent several years in tertiary study and worked in the Kiwifruit industry, Education sector and Real Estate industry. My role is Property Manager, and I am qualified to Level 4 REINZ property management and AREINZ in real estate. I am also a certified methamphetamine Sampler (via Meth Solutions). I have extensive experience in property maintenance and development. I am a property investor and have over 30 years’ experience with investment properties – residential and commercial. I am also a certified methamphetamine Sampler (via Meth Solutions).

I am a property investor and have almost 30 years experience with investment properties – residential and commercial.

I am married to Joanne and have two adult children: Jared and Rhiannon. I enjoy cycling, running, travel, movies and the company of my friends and pets. My philosophy is “Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve.”

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